The Let's Play Archive

Persona 5

by Arist

Part 221: Addendum X: Two-Timing In Paradise

Addendum X: Two-Timing In Paradise

Not much to go over today, but we’re over halfway done and most of our Confidants (at least the ones we didn’t just get) are maxed or soon to be maxed. The last two months or so of this second run are gonna suuuuuuuuuuck for me, because I’m straight-up gonna run out of shit to do.

It’s so easy to forget that the game doesn’t give you back all 12 of your Persona slots until the end of fucking August. The other games didn’t do this! Why put it back in this one?!

This isn’t an important scene, but I captured this bit anyway, because lmao

Still not making much headway with the twins, I’m afraid.

Anyway, the rest of this will deal with some Hawaii scenes we never saw.

We’re all the way in Hawaii, so I’d like to go to the beach, just the two of us.

I’m exhausted… I could really use some de-stressing right now. Do you want to meet at the beach? So no one sees us…

We’re going to meet in public, in a crowded place, so no one sees us? Not following your logic here, Kawakami. If you’re sure no one will notice us, that’s one thing, but even still it’s pretty risky.

Ann and Kawakami’s scenes are only available if you romanced them and maxed their Confidants before this point. Makoto, Hifumi, and Ryuji are available whenever. I tried to get Hifumi maxed out before this to see if it changed anything about her scene, but due to the Mementos block we ran into earlier it turns out to be literally fucking impossible. Though the Makoto scene doesn’t change at all, so I don’t see why Hifumi’s would either.

Anyway, let’s accept Ann’s invite first.

Don’t forget your swimsuit!
We’re meeting at the beach. I should hurry and change into my swimsuit…

Music: Break it Down (Elp Version)

It seems like Ann has been waiting for me here…

But… I’m glad to hear you say that, so I guess I can let you off the hook. Hey, let’s go for a walk.

I’ve heard it’s super delish! Come on, we should try it!

We gazed out over the ocean while we enjoyed the delicate flavors of a foreign country…

Huh? Oh yes, we are.
How ‘bout them Phantom Thieves, huh? The guys that steal hearts!

Heard about it on the news! They’re all the rage in Japan, yeah?
This is incredible!
Say, if y’run into ‘em, tell ‘em I say hello. And ask ‘em to change people’s hearts so everyone loves shrimp!
Well, I don’t think that’s really how it works… Let’s go.
We spent time on the beach until the sun began to sink below the horizon…

Music: Alright (Elp Version)

I told Shiho I wasn’t into this cheesy dating stuff… But now that I’ve actually tried it out… it’s really not that bad. I guess it’s because I have someone special to do it with. ...Thanks.

It’ll help you remember how special today was.

It’s a pair of dolls holding hands… One kind of reminds me of Ann, while the other looks like me…

The Menehune Dolls accessory gives +5 to Strength and Endurance.

Hey, let’s come back to Hawaii sometime. I mean… by ourselves.

I’m pretty sure the voice file for this “Yes!” is reused from somewhere else in the game and it bugs the shit out of me.

Anyway, it’s starting to get dark… Should we head back?

The two of us basked in the stunning Hawaiian sunset. Just me and Ann…

All right, let’s get this over with.

Wear your bathing suit. We’ll need to blend in with our surroundings.
We’re meeting at the beach. I should hurry and change into my swimsuit…

I kind of assumed we were smarter than sneaking away to canoodle on a school trip, but then I remembered what game I was playing.

Music: Break it Down (Elp Version)

It seems like Kawakami has been waiting for me here…

What are you looking at?

Let’s take a walk.

Look! Garlic shrimp!

Tasting the local delicacies is an absolute must on vacation, don’t you think?

God, absent all the other upsetting things going on right now, it’s legitimately really freaking me out to see Kawakami happily squealing like a schoolgirl here. She’s just so sullen usually, it’s really surreal.

Why does drinking on the beach have to be prohibited in Hawaii?

Now, I’ve never been drunk because I’m lame, but I can’t imagine it would be fun for Maaku here to just sit by while Kawakami imbibes alone, anyway.

We gazed out over the ocean while we enjoyed the delicate flavors of a foreign country…

Yes, we are.
How ‘bout them Phantom Thieves, huh? The guys that steal hearts!
Wow, you’re very well-informed.
Heard about it on the news! They’re all the rage in Japan, yeah?
(whispering to Maaku) You’re quite the celebrity.
Say, if y’run into ‘em, tell ‘em I say hello. And ask ‘em to change people’s hearts so everyone loves shrimp!

OK, I’ll let them know.
By the way, you two honeymoonin’ here?

C’mon, let’s go.
We spent time on the beach until the sun began to sink below the horizon…

Music: Alright (Elp Version)

I was having so much fun… I hope no one saw us. Although, I wouldn’t back down if someone actually confronted us about it.

Uhhhh, that’s a real bad idea, Sadayo. Don’t go to prison.

To tell you the truth, I’m worried that you’re lonely… because of the position I’m in… If that’s true, then… I’m sorry.

Anyway, this is my first time here. Hawaii’s really nice, isn’t it? Let’s come back sometime, just the two of us.


It’s a ring engraved with our initials… Something about the faint gleam reminds me of Kawakami…

The Hawaiian Ring boosts Magic and Luck by 5 each.

...Just kidding. It’s to commemorate today.

*shakes head*
It’s gonna get dark soon… We should head back.

If you say so, Master.
The two of us basked in the stunning Hawaiian sunset. Just me and Kawakami…

For someone who’s been getting blackmailed for years, Kawakami’s really not that careful, is she? Well, whatever. God, I’m really running thin on material for these.